Buy Infotrip (1st ed) in support of AMD!

I’m donating most of the remaining copies of Piracy is Liberation: Infotrip (1st ed) to Aktion Mot Deportation.

This is the second book in the Piracy is Liberation series, but it is also my debut graphic novel. The first edition is a bigger size than the usual version and it contains the Desert Anarchist Manifesto which was cut out from the second edition. I think there’s also a typo in there somewhere. Otherwise there’s no real difference apart from the size and cover.

It’s yours for 50 SEK and all the money goes to the struggle against the current deportation politics of Sweden and Europe. Yesterday, the Tribunal 12 presented a comprehensive accusation against Europe. Hopefully, the recordings will be available somewhere for everyone who missed it.

Send an email to me or to order a copy (shipping will be added).

Warren Ellis (writer of Transmetropolitan, Planetary, Doktor Sleepless, The Authority, Black Summer etc) about the book:

INFOTRIP is a graphic novel by Mattias Elftorp that I read (and then somehow lost) in Copenhagen the other day. It’s postfuture science fiction with an art style that seems to me to combine Brian Wood with Ben Templesmith, to jagged, hate-ridden, nervous effect. I really like it, and I’m pissed off that my copy got mislaid.

(He got a new copy next time I met him.)

TUSEN SERIER: Jag är inte här (I am not here), TODAY!

Starting today is an exhibition from one of the projects I’m working with (I’m unemployed for the moment but I will start getting paid again this summer), TUSEN SERIER:

Vahedeh-Aida Ghardagian
April 23, 2012


About the exhibition:
Who is being portrayed, and how?
What has happened since museums were filled with portraits of kings ans queens? Who is being portrayed today? How are people being exhibited and for whom? What conceptopns are being portrayed?

About the artist:
“In my work, I move between art and activism. I have a global grassroots perspective, I live in close proximity to my art and work in social networks. I work with installation, digital media, images and texts.”

See you there!


Piracy is Liberation 011: Demockracy
Coming soon!

Election Day is coming! But it’s an election where there is no real choice. A two-party system where both parties follow the will of the Market, the will of the Holy Corporations and their Priests. Where your influence is an illusion designed to keep you consuming, keep you selling your time to produce wealth for the Masters.

Compete, consume, conform, and vote!

Story, art, design and cover by Mattias Elftorp
56 pgs, b/w
Published by Wormgod

Piracy is Liberation site


New book from Wormgod, coming soon! Look for it at Stockholm International Comics Festival and MoCCA:

by Allan Haverholm & Mattias Elftorp
from Wormgod


This book is about exactly what you’d expect from the title.
Read it from one side and it’s about violence: a brutal journey into trauma-induced unconsciousness, directed by Mattias Elftorp, the writer/artist of Piracy is Liberation, Arg Kanin, etc.
Then flip the book and read it from the other side and you get sex: Allan Haverholm (Sortmund) offers a much more pleasant variation on the same scenario, building up to another kind of climax.

Two stories, two simple concepts, boiled down to experiences that ultimately are very human but extraordinary in their simplicity.

The stories have been published before. VIOLENCE in C’est Bon Anthology vol 3, Piracy is Liberation 005: Free Section and Excessive Force, SEX in C’est Bon Anthology vol 11.

Kristiina Kolehmainen

Kristiina Kolehmainen
1956 – 2012

Being part of the international and Swedish comics scene, I have a lot to thank Kristiina Kolehmainen for. She broke down some of the borders between Sweden and the rest of the world and gave me access to parts of the international comics scene I may very well have missed if it wasn’t for her.

The last time I met her, we shared a few beers after the end of the I Seriernas Värld comics festival in Malmö 2011. I was disillusioned over Sweden in general and she helped me see, not that I was wrong but that I had an ally. Someone who understood exactly what I mean and could give me some added insights into what’s wrong with this place. It meant a lot to me right then. Still does.

I miss you, Kristiina.


String theory & storytelling


Saw some documentaries on string theory the other night. Now my theory that Piracy is Liberation is a depiction of things happening in a neighboring universe doesn’t seem that far-fetched. Maybe one with 4 main dimensions (2 spatial, time and 7th direction, which are all actually spatial when you think about it). Or maybe their 7th direction is the space between universes? Don’t know what I’m talking about? Ask Youtube and read the books:

Science fiction meets mathematics, again. I also thought it was interesting that some big breakthrough in string theory occured around the same time as Crisis on Infinite Earths was published…

Sveriges första serie skriven i hypertext!


Sveriges första serie skriven i hypertext!
Wormgod släpper nu det första svenska seriealbum som är skrivet i hypertext! Hypertext är det som internet bygger på, att texter länkas till varandra. På samma sätt går detta seriealbum att läsa antingen som en rak berättelse eller genom att man hoppar fram och tillbaka i historien. Man kan på så sätt läsa den på ett nytt sätt varje gång man läser om den och det återspeglar hur huvudpersonen upplever världen.

Svensk cyberpunk!
Hypertext Consciousness är en del i den längre serien Piracy is Liberation, som är helt unik i sitt slag då den är en längre svensk science fiction-serie i genren cyberpunk. Cyberpunk som uttryck myntades i slutet av 1970-talet. Några av de mest kända verken är Neuromancer, Bladerunner, The Matrix och japanska Tetsuo: the Iron Man. Författaren och tecknaren Mattias Elftorp både förvaltar och vidareutvecklar detta arv i Piracy is Liberation. Episk cyberpunk på en ambitionsnivå som aldrig tidigare gjorts i Sverige!

Feminism tagen till en ny nivå!
Piracy is Liberation är inte bara Sveriges första cyberpunkalbumserie utan tar också den svenska feministiska serietraditionen ett steg längre. Detta genom att presentera en värld där män och kvinnor redan är jämställda och låta de kvinnliga karaktärerna ha en självklar roll som aktörer, någonting som fortfarande är ovanligt inte bara i serier utan inom de flesta berättande konstformer.

Om författaren…
Mattias Elftorp som skriver och tecknar Piracy is Liberation är kanske mest känd för att ha startat Bamse-debatten i Helsingborgs Dagblad under våren 2011. Han ligger också bakom serien Arg Kanin som syns i olika sammanhang. Under hösten 2010 var han projektledare för vuxen-/alternativseriefestivalen AltCom som hade tema SEX & KRIG. Festivalen görs om i höst med tema NO BORDERS. Han är också en av projektledarna för Seriefrämjandets satsning TUSEN SERIER som går ut på att öppna upp den svenska seriekulturen och göra den lite mindre svenskdominerad.

Nu är serier inte längre bara vardagsrealism eller Kalle Anka!
I och med publiceringen av Mattias Elftorps Piracy is Liberation bryter Wormgod mot en mängd förutfattade meningar kring hur en svensk serie ser ut, både i teckningsstil och i berättelsens innehåll. Att ta en genre som science fiction på allvar och utnyttja den för att säga någonting relevant är nästintill tabu i Sverige, hos både stora och mindre serieförlag. Ett tabu som vi gladeligen bryter!

Piracy is Liberation 010: Hypertext Consciousness finns tillgänglig från nätbokhandlar och utvalda försäljningsställen from den 29 februari.

För intervjuer och/eller recensionsex (även äldre album i serien finns tillgängliga), kontakta

Titel: Piracy is Liberation: Hypertext Consciousness
Författare/tecknare: Mattias Elftorp
Omslagsillustratör: Susanne Johansson
Förlag: Wormgod
ISBN: 978-91-978418-5-6

Hemsida för mer information om Piracy is Liberation:


Dystopia 12: Society by Endrju (and me) – out now!

Dystopia 12: Society is out now!

By Endrju with text by Mattias Elftorp

A study in the weird back side of society, for those of us who missed the fine print in the contract. A collection of drawings by Latvian artist Endrju, with an introductory text piece by Mattias Elftorp.

28 pgs, b/w
Designed and edited by Mattias Elftorp
ISBN: 978-91-85161-99-7
Price: 50 SEK
Wormgod book 017.
December 2011.

Available from WormgodSeriefrämjandet, AdLibris, etc…