Category: Work
Hållbar konsumtion
Doing this in Swedish since the comic is in Swedish. Sorry…
Fick vidarebefordrat en inbjudan till den här tävlingen häromdan. Innan jag ens hunnit resa mig ur sängen hade jag skrivit ett manus som jag sedan tecknade samtidigt som jag gjorde det jag egentligen skulle göra.
Insåg såklart att den aldrig skulle vinna mig några 100 000 kr, så jag visar den här istället.
Arg Kanin om Omänskliga Rättigheter
Arg Kanin om Omänskliga Rättigheter, från Asylkalendern 2013 (Asylgruppen Lund).
Klicka på sidorna för att se dem i större storlek.
3 days of darkness
I was going to have a vacation after AltCom and TRAUMA and the ERA exhibition at the new Tusen Serier space, but noo… The new issue of C’est Bon Anthology will be in color! And the deadline is next week!
So of course, I had to submit something to them.
They’re supposed to send it to print December 21. The last day of the Mayan calendar.
There was a viral rumor going around last week(?) saying that NASA had confirmed that there will be three days of darkness because of some alignment or other. So, I thought: Why not?
Read the whole thing in the new issue (if they accept my comic, of course). This here is page 2:
AltCom 2012!
AltCom 2012 is getting closer. Read all about it here:
To sum it up, this is what you should do:
– Tusen Serier exhibition opening @ Folkets Park 16-18.
This is an outdoors exhibition with me and Amanda Casanellas+ some of the artists of our project Tusen Serier: Amalia Alvarez, Emre Özdamarlar, Aida Ghardagian, Marco Leal. There will be wine, music, fire…
Then take a small break before going to
– CBK: In> <Bestween @ Biograf Spegeln 19-22
C’est Bon Kultur, my old comics collective, doing an exhibition about the stories in between the pages of a story by Allan Haverholm. There will be more wine and probably some other entertainment as well.
– CCC: Sem Fronteiras @ Galleri Ocampo 12-18
Portuguese Chili Com Carne had an exhibition a year ago at the same place. You might remember it (Futuro Primitivo). This time, it’s four artists, Ana Biscaia, André Lemos, André Coelho and Jucifer (two of which will be attending the festival), showing off their drawings. I’ve seen some of them already, they look great! There will be wine. I know that’s what you’re really after.
– Stripburger in print @ Café Simpan 18-01
A collection of Stripburger prints, posters, covers. This Slovenian group was probably my first contact with the European underground of comics, when some of them visited Malmö and SPX in 2003(?). Through them I discovered Danijel Zezelj, for example. Who you should really check out if you don’t already know his work…
FRIDAY (Nov 9):
– Nema Granice @ Kanten 13-17
This is a one-day exhibition only, so don’t miss it! I first discovered this part of the Balkan comics scene at some point when I stumbled upon an old piblication from Serbian Kosmoplovci/Studiostrip which I think was an exhibition catalogue or portfolio maybe. I thought there were some really interesting things there and I wanted to publish these artists in C’est Bon Anthology. I got their contact info through Ivana Armanini of Komikaze. Or I discovered them on the Komikaze site first and found the book later, who knows?
Meeting them all in real life for the first time at CRACK! years later, I heard about the Novo Doba festival in Belgrade so I went there the following year and met the people organizing it and here we are. And here they will be: Studiostrip, Komikaze, Turbo Comix/Novo Doba.
And yes: There will be wine and a DJ set by DJ Tozd.
Just after that, go from Kanten, across the street, through the fence and around the building to:
– Wormgod: Transgressions & TRAUMA @ Borgen 17-04
I tried to figure out what pictures to make under the title TRANSGRESSIONS for our Wormgod exhibition, but it seemed easier to make a book first and then use that as inspiration for the images. So I did. The art was a collaboration between me and Susanne Johansson (the other half of Wormgod) and there will be a soundtrack by Feberdröm. I got the books from the printer already and now we’re waiting for the CDs. And yes, then we made those pictures and we’re waiting for them to get printed too.
The first hour is the exhibition opening and there will be no entrance fee during this time, when we will also play a CD by Sektor 304 (who were going to play at TRAUMA but couldn’t make it) and show a video session with videos from Studiostrip/Kosmoplovci. Then TRAUMA starts, with 5 o’clock traffic, Anatomiteatern, Knullkraft, Khmer Noir and Lenhart Tapes (who I also met at CRACK!). There will be wine. There will be noise.
SATURDAY & SUNDAY (Nov 10-11):
– Comics fair @ Folkets Park 12-18 with lots of books, panels & presentations and more exhibitions, performance etc. I have to go to sleep now, so follow the link in the beginning of this post to see the details for this one. You’ll have to bring your own wine for this one.
And at all of these events, you can get the AltCom 2012 NO BORDERS anthology for free! 176 pages, comics by lots of international artists, cover by Bill Koeb. Niice!
In November 2012 during the AltCom 2012 NO BORDERS comics festival (more on that later), during the return of the TRAUMA noise festival (more on that later), there will be a Wormgod exhibition called TRANSGRESSIONS (more on that later) which is also a book/CD release for this new publication:
TRANSGRESSIONS the book is the story of a man who didn’t want to be a man and a woman who turned him into something else. It is the story of these two outcasts trying to find a new life by crossing the border but get caught doing it. It is the story about their struggle to leave all rules behind. Social conventions, laws of physics as well as nations, even the most basic rules of their universe.
Contains necrophilia, zombification, gender transplants, human/animal gene splicing, fucking, human sacrifice, inhuman politics and unnatural birth. Enjoy!
TRANSGRESSIONS the CD is a soundtrack where each track corresponds to each chapter of the book:
Story: Mattias Elftorp
Art: Mattias Elftorp & Susanne Johansson
Music: Markus Samnell
Release/exhibition/TRAUMA date: November 9
TUSEN SERIER: Jag är inte här (I am not here), TODAY!
Starting today is an exhibition from one of the projects I’m working with (I’m unemployed for the moment but I will start getting paid again this summer), TUSEN SERIER:
Vahedeh-Aida Ghardagian
April 23, 2012
About the exhibition:
Who is being portrayed, and how?
What has happened since museums were filled with portraits of kings ans queens? Who is being portrayed today? How are people being exhibited and for whom? What conceptopns are being portrayed?
About the artist:
“In my work, I move between art and activism. I have a global grassroots perspective, I live in close proximity to my art and work in social networks. I work with installation, digital media, images and texts.”
See you there!
Kristiina Kolehmainen
Kristiina Kolehmainen
1956 – 2012
Being part of the international and Swedish comics scene, I have a lot to thank Kristiina Kolehmainen for. She broke down some of the borders between Sweden and the rest of the world and gave me access to parts of the international comics scene I may very well have missed if it wasn’t for her.
The last time I met her, we shared a few beers after the end of the I Seriernas Värld comics festival in Malmö 2011. I was disillusioned over Sweden in general and she helped me see, not that I was wrong but that I had an ally. Someone who understood exactly what I mean and could give me some added insights into what’s wrong with this place. It meant a lot to me right then. Still does.
I miss you, Kristiina.
Sveriges första serie skriven i hypertext!
Sveriges första serie skriven i hypertext!
Wormgod släpper nu det första svenska seriealbum som är skrivet i hypertext! Hypertext är det som internet bygger på, att texter länkas till varandra. På samma sätt går detta seriealbum att läsa antingen som en rak berättelse eller genom att man hoppar fram och tillbaka i historien. Man kan på så sätt läsa den på ett nytt sätt varje gång man läser om den och det återspeglar hur huvudpersonen upplever världen.Svensk cyberpunk!
Hypertext Consciousness är en del i den längre serien Piracy is Liberation, som är helt unik i sitt slag då den är en längre svensk science fiction-serie i genren cyberpunk. Cyberpunk som uttryck myntades i slutet av 1970-talet. Några av de mest kända verken är Neuromancer, Bladerunner, The Matrix och japanska Tetsuo: the Iron Man. Författaren och tecknaren Mattias Elftorp både förvaltar och vidareutvecklar detta arv i Piracy is Liberation. Episk cyberpunk på en ambitionsnivå som aldrig tidigare gjorts i Sverige!Feminism tagen till en ny nivå!
Piracy is Liberation är inte bara Sveriges första cyberpunkalbumserie utan tar också den svenska feministiska serietraditionen ett steg längre. Detta genom att presentera en värld där män och kvinnor redan är jämställda och låta de kvinnliga karaktärerna ha en självklar roll som aktörer, någonting som fortfarande är ovanligt inte bara i serier utan inom de flesta berättande konstformer.Om författaren…
Mattias Elftorp som skriver och tecknar Piracy is Liberation är kanske mest känd för att ha startat Bamse-debatten i Helsingborgs Dagblad under våren 2011. Han ligger också bakom serien Arg Kanin som syns i olika sammanhang. Under hösten 2010 var han projektledare för vuxen-/alternativseriefestivalen AltCom som hade tema SEX & KRIG. Festivalen görs om i höst med tema NO BORDERS. Han är också en av projektledarna för Seriefrämjandets satsning TUSEN SERIER som går ut på att öppna upp den svenska seriekulturen och göra den lite mindre svenskdominerad.Nu är serier inte längre bara vardagsrealism eller Kalle Anka!
I och med publiceringen av Mattias Elftorps Piracy is Liberation bryter Wormgod mot en mängd förutfattade meningar kring hur en svensk serie ser ut, både i teckningsstil och i berättelsens innehåll. Att ta en genre som science fiction på allvar och utnyttja den för att säga någonting relevant är nästintill tabu i Sverige, hos både stora och mindre serieförlag. Ett tabu som vi gladeligen bryter!Piracy is Liberation 010: Hypertext Consciousness finns tillgänglig från nätbokhandlar och utvalda försäljningsställen from den 29 februari.
För intervjuer och/eller recensionsex (även äldre album i serien finns tillgängliga), kontakta
Titel: Piracy is Liberation: Hypertext Consciousness
Författare/tecknare: Mattias Elftorp
Omslagsillustratör: Susanne Johansson
Förlag: Wormgod
ISBN: 978-91-978418-5-6
Hemsida för mer information om Piracy is Liberation:
Dystopia 12: Society by Endrju (and me) – out now!
Dystopia 12: Society is out now!
By Endrju with text by Mattias Elftorp
A study in the weird back side of society, for those of us who missed the fine print in the contract. A collection of drawings by Latvian artist Endrju, with an introductory text piece by Mattias Elftorp.
28 pgs, b/w
Designed and edited by Mattias Elftorp
ISBN: 978-91-85161-99-7
Price: 50 SEK
Wormgod book 017.
December 2011.
Available from Wormgod, Seriefrämjandet, AdLibris, etc…