Piracy007 in the works…

There will be a book 007 before the end of 2009 after all! I wasn’t sure, but events are falling into place that will allow me to do it. I’ll start working on it after the June World Tour (MoCCA in New York City, Punk Illegal in Munkedal and Crack! in Rome) is over… The theme for this book will be religion. I will explore the religious structures of the City’s society and we may get to witness the birth of a new semi-divine entity. Also, I suspect, the first appearance of Ming (who was mentioned in book 005).

We will also see the effects of the last pages of book 006. The rules have changed in a very fundamental way for the inhabitants of the City. So what’s the next step? How will the authorities/rebels react to this development?

As soon as Suss has some time I’ll ask her for a cover, and I’ll get to work on the insides of the book.

Wormgod: konSEKVENS


So. The first Wormgod exhibition, konSEKVENS, took place this April at the Växjö University.

For some more info, and the image in its entirety, go to the Wormgod site.

Being at the Academic Perspectives on Comics, Manga & Graphic Novels as Intercultural & Intermedial Phenomena event was a bit weird when we were just a few comics creators present and so many academics. It’s usually the other way around. The participants were nice though (except for one) and the lectures were interesting. -To a varying degree, I should add. There’s a limit to how much use you have as a creator for a definition of what comics are, and in some ways, definitions can even be limiting. But apart from that, it was a nice setting. Except…

A number of the copies I brought of Piracy is Liberation were stolen. Normally, I wouldn’t mind terribly. Charging money for the books is just a necessary evil, but in this case, considering the type of students I suspect to be the culprits, it doesn’t feel ok. Oh well. With some luck they’ll read the books and rethink their choices in life*…


konSEKVENS is only the beginning and will be expanded into another exhibition called VÅLD. It will be shown at the release party for Piracy is Liberation 006: Violence, probably some time in July at Utkanten in Malmö. Keep your eyes peeled for information as things fall into place for the arrangement.

In conclusion, here’s the presentation that accompanied the image at the exhibition:

This exhibition is a sequential artwork about consequences. The image tells a story, perhaps many stories, about a crucial event in human history. Something that has affected our generation and our view on life in a very basic way. An event that brought death into the equation, on a scale that is bigger even than specieswide extincion.
konSEKVENS is also an experiment in linear/non-linear thinking. The images and their stories can be read like a comic strip, but it is up to their viewers to make the connections between different image elements and arrive at something that is not chronological. Something that is spread out through time: a multitude of events and their consequences.
In the end, we all live in the shadow of the mushroom cloud. A shadow outside of time that reaches the lab in Los Alamos, the streets of Hiroshima, the Whute House, the board rooms of the war industry and the minds of the visitors here today at the University of Växjö.


* Växjö University is not only the host for academic comics events, there is also the police academy. And, as we all know, the police are not to be trusted.

World tour 2009.

Tour dates and locations.

January 29 – February 1: Festival international de la bande dessinée d’Angoulême, Angoulême, France
February 20: Piracy005 Releasefest/Noisekväll, Stapelbädden Malmö, Sweden
April 16-18: Wormgod: konSEKVENS, Växjö Universitet, Sweden
April 23-26: SPX 09, Stockholm, Sweden
June 6-7: MoCCA Artfest, New York City, USA
June 17-21: Crack! Comics festival, Rome, Italy
July 4: Piracy006 Releasefest/Noisekväll/Wormgod: Våld, Utkanten Malmö, Sweden
July 11: Hacknight, Utkanten Malmö, Sweden
August 19: Malmöfestivalen (guest at CBK’s event), Malmö, Sweden
August 22-September 13: Wormgod: konSEKVENS 2.0, Panora, Malmö, Sweden
September 4: Wormgod: WALL 001, at harsh noise concert at Skånes Konstförening, Malmö, Sweden (also inofficial Piracy007 release)
September 12-13: Helsingin Sarjakuvafestivaali, Helsinki, Suomi
September 19: Wormgod: Zombies @ Malmö Queer Art & Film Festival, Panora, Malmö, Sweden
September 24-27: Bok- och Biblioteksmässan, Göteborg, Sweden
October 24: Anarchist Bookfair, London, England
October 30-November 1: I Seriernas Värld, Malmö, Sweden
October ?: C’est Bon Panorama II, Panora Malmö, Sweden
November ?: ComICA(?)

Review of Piracy005

Still listening to Sanctification, trying to conjure money by writing mundane spells, casting them via the internet.

And while I’m doing that, stumbling upon a review of Piracy is Liberation 005: Free Section in Tidningen Kulturen by Gustaf Andersson.

Att det finns bra och dåliga punklåtar råder det inga tvivel om. De dåliga brukar oftast kännas igen på att de snarare vill vara punklåtar än att de är, att klichéerna stapplas på varandra. De bra däremot känns igen på att de bara är punklåtar, helt skoningslöst. På samma sätt är det med Mattias Elftorps tidskriftsprojekt Piracy is liberation. Den bara är punk. Dystopin är oursäktande. (more…)

Allright, back to work…

Oh, by the way, I updated my website today. Added some Wormgod info and one or more (I can’t keep such things as numbers or memories in my head right now) new images. Go check it out!

WORMGOD: First exhibition!

Work has begun on the first Wormgod exhibition.

From www.wormgod.net:

This, our first exhibition, will be a sequential artwork about about consequences. Two images will tell a story, perhaps many stories, about a crucial event in human history. Something that has affected our generation and our view on life in a very basic way. An event that brought death into the equation in a very profound way, on a scale that is bigger than even specieswide extincion.

konSEKVENS will also be an experiment in linear/non-linear thinking. The images and their stories can be read like comic strips, but it is up to their viewers to read the connection between image elements and arrive at something that is not chronological. Something that is spread out through time: a multitude of events and their consequences.

Big comics day…

Front Line Assembly – Body Count

Big comics day for me tomorrow. Not only am I going to send Piracy is Liberation 006: Violence to the printer, I am also going to do my third 24-hour comic. Last time, it resulted in a graphic novella called Trollet, later published by Komika Förlag. I have no idea what will come out this time, since I’ll try not even to think about it until the 24 hours start.

cEvin Key – Klora

For those who don’t know, the 24 hour comic is a challenge from Scott McCloud, to create a 24 page comic, from start to finish, in no more than 24 hours. It’s a nice way to loosen your mind, get something done fast and a good reminder for deadlines in the future…

Patrick Wolf – Lycanthopy

I may sit down to put some updates up on the blog during the day, as work progresses. Right now, however. It is time to go to sleep.

Nitzer Ebb – Join in the Chant

I don’t remember last time I went to bed this early. I’m not sure I know how to do it. Weird…