Arg Kanin om nazism och antifascism.

This weekend saw an attack/attempted murder by nazis on antifascists/feminists, in an area of Malmö where nazis haven’t dared go for a long time. And of course the police and media describes it as a brawl between extremists to try and diminish the importance of what happened.

Here’s the story in Swedish and English.

And here’s a comic about it, but only in Swedish:

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Nazistattack på Möllan inatt…

Igår vid 00:30 attackerade nazister deltagare från demonstrationen på internationella kvinnodagen, som var påväg hem. Tre bllev allvarligt skadade och en fick livshotande skador läget är nu stabilt. Det har i media beskrivits som en uppgörelse i själva verket tyder det på att det var ett regelrätt bakhåll utfört av beväpnade och organiserade nazister.
Malmö har i många år varit förskonade från våldsamma gatunazister. En serie olika våldsdåd talar dock för att extremhögern försöker slå sig in i Malmös gaturum.

Det är ingen slump att extremhögern i flera år fört en tynande tillvaro i Malmö. Varje försök från nazister att etablera sig har misslyckats då de har bemöts fort och resolut, Av en stark och enad vänster som alltid sett självförsvar som något självklart.
Nattens händelse är inget undantag

Idag kommer en manifestation mot nazistisktvåld att äga rum på möllevångstorget 15:00.

Sprid information vidare.
Vi ses på torger.


BLÅ är en av de två senaste böckerna från Tusen Serier. Den finns nu att beställa från Aparts webshop.

Blå handlar om flykt, kärlek, sex och sorg. Blå är berättelsen om en kvinna som befriar sig från de sagor som fabulerats om henne i århundraden. Shabnam Faraees visuella uttryck färgas av mötet mellan den iranska och svenska bildtraditionen. 


Manus & bild av Shabnam Faraee
Endast 120:-!!
Direktlänk till boken på Aparts webshop, som är det enda stället du kan beställa boken just nu.
Språk: svenska.

Om Shabnam Faraee (författare & tecknare):
Shabnam Faraee kommer ursprungligen från Iran och har bott i Stockholm sedan september 2002. Hon arbetar gränsöverskridande med grafisk design, mönsterdesign, animation och illustration. Hennes visuella uttryck färgas av mötet mellan den iranska och svenska bildtraditionen. 


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Tusen Serier


This is what happened last night after working for 10 hours and finding a reminder for a forgotten call for submissions.

I like “why not?” as an answer to various questions.

So this is an exerpt from an 8 page comic that may turn up in an upcoming anthology. Or maybe not, we’ll see. Title: RADIO


Stora Läsarpriset 2013 till Tusen Serier!

Fem papperslösa kvinnors historier (Five Undocumented Women’s Stories) by Amalia Alvarez won the big readers’ award for best Swedish graphic novel 2013!

The book, which is trilingual (Swedish/Spanish/English), was one of the first to be published by Tusen Serier and is available for ordering from  Serieaffä or Apart förlag.


Five comics based on the true stories of five women living in or having lived in Sweden “illegally”. One woman who the author met at the women’s shelter tells her story as an “imported wife”, another women whom she met in the trade union tells about the situation for the female undocumented workers in Sweden, trafficking, networks that exploit and abuse women, etc. Yet another story is about a woman whose application for asylum was rejected. She tells the tale of her road to Sweden.

Naturally, the details of these stories have been changed to protect the integrity of the persons involved, as they are illegal according to the system.

About Amalia Alvarez (writer & artist): 
Amalia Alvarez is a self-taught artists and has drawn for Arbetaren, Liberación, Mana and Clandestin@, a magazine for undocumented workers.

Me & my Daddy & Zlatan

This book has been a long time in the making, but now it will soon become reality as a collaboration between Tusen Serier and Wormgod.

There will be more information soon, I just wanted to post the cover right now because I’m so excited. I wanted to pick a few preview pages, but it’s too late to do that now so I’m seving it for later.

This may well be the best single graphic novel I’ve made so far, on many levels. It’s not really like anything I usually do, leaning more towards the mainstream rather than cyberpunk or the various other styles I usually work with. You will see, sometime during the upcoming spring months…

So here are the two covers for the Swedish & English editions:



“Public Service”…

The state of the Swedish Public Service is quickly deteriorating.

It seems that the Alliance (a collection of the liberal, conservative and Christian right-wing parties) are nervous about the upcoming election this fall. I don’t know why, because the Social democrats (also more or less liberals) are doing a very poor job as the opposition. What they should do to win the election is to start talking class and promise to reverse all the things that the Alliance has done over the last 8 years. But they won’t do that. So anyway…

Their strategy to win the next election seems to be keeping people ignorant about politics. Right now, anyone working in Public Service who has any expressed or perceived political views are kicked out until after the election, all in the name of “objectivity”.

So anyone who has anything to say that might inform people about Swedish politics has to shut up. To me, it seems strange to have an election year where it’s impossible to talk about politics.

The Alliance’s (successful, it seems) strategy against the Left party has always been to play the game of guilt by association with the old Soviet communism. Which is funny, since the freedom of speech in Sweden is now being curtailed, which is one of the bad things about the old Russia (and the new one, but now it’s a Capitalist “democracy”, so that’s not as bad).

Anyway. Interesting times ahead. See you in the camps…
