More fucked-up…

Never mind my bollocks today. I tired.

I have so much to say but don’t really remember what, it’s probably written down somewhere, but some trolls must have taken my notes.

So fuck you (subtly), I’m gonna show you my complete Novo Doba comic instead. As you may remember, or as you can see if you scroll down just a little bit, do I have to think of everything myself? I mean, you can clearly see that I showed you the first page of it a while ago. And what was I talking about?

Stop questioning me!

Here: comic (click images for bigger)!


fuckedup02 fuckedup03 fuckedup04

In other news. Upcoming release parties, exhibitions etc. Maybe something else? More on whatever it is later. Bye for now!

These fucked-up things…

The theme for next week’s Novo Doba festival is Šta nam rade (means, more or less, “what they are doing to us”). Here’s the first page of what I did for the festival anthology.

I called my submission These fucked-up things they are doing to us… (click image for bigger size):


Trolls seem to be a recurring theme nowadays, but these fuckers are completely different from the ones in The Troll

Back to Earth

I got asked by Éric Ferrier to make something for his next issue of KIPsek. The theme was “back to earth”, as opposed to last issue’s “scientificoniricofantastique”.

So of course I had to do the sci fi interpretation of the theme… The thing is also that he asked me to do it as a lino cut, which is not exactly new to me but I am completely untrained.

We’ll see if it makes it all the way into the book…

Here’s a few samples in any case:

back2earthtitle back2earthxrpt


My favourite parts are the ones where the paint didn’t really take and there are these nice mistake textures…

Today + near future news

The Tusen Serier/Sverok wall/jam comics exhibition that’s been going on this week will be finished today, which we will celebrate with alcohol, of course. We have three jam comics going on the walls, and yesterday we made some connections between the different stories, so they will all be concluded today in a SUPER RAVE PARTY OF DEATH. Literally (or at least in some kind of literal form).

We start at 16 and go on until 22-ish, depending on when we run out of wine…


In other news:

As you may know, I’ve been organizing the AltCom festival (website will soon be updated) for the Swedish Comics Association since 2010. The next edition, however, will be run by CBK in cooperation with Tusen Serier. I will still be the main organizer, but it still feels new and exciting.

And speaking of Tusen Serier, it just completed the transition from a project run by the Comics Association into an organization in its own rights. Which also feels great!

And one last item. A new book from CBK is nearing completion: Creation of a god / Att skapa en gud by Henrik Möller & Lars Krantz, based on a short story by Richard Stanley. Here’s the first official preview of the cover:



All these things…

Ok, so here’s the deal.

Current comics projects:

I was going to get started on Piracy is Liberation v03 this fall, but right now I don’t see it happening. I also had to postpone the Transgressions 2 project I was planning to get started with Brazilian noise band Anarcho Vomit Noise. But I finished The Troll, and when the publisher gets hold of some 3D glasses it’s going to get a proper release somehow. I also have to make the Swedish translation of it as soon as I get some five spare minutes…


First, some short stories. I told you before about Viral that I made for CBA vol 30. I’m also mentally sketching a cover illustration for that issue, together with Kinga Dukaj. I’ve also written a script for something that is currently called Immunology, intended for the Oulu comics festival horror comics competition, whose deadline is approaching. It’s probably going to end up in CBA sooner or later as well. And I have a script for another troll story, but a different kind, for the upcoming Novo Doba festival anthology. Working title: These fucked up things they are doing to us.

Oh, and I’m supposed to make a lino cut contribution to Éric Ferrier’s new zine. Deadline sometime in August, of course. Maybe I’ll do it this weekend…

Spell casting: 

A few years ago, I decided that things got more interesting if I view application-writing as casting spells. Because it is a bit like magic. You formulate a spell, you offer it to the gods/spirits/institutions in a kind of ritual that may include going to the post office or completing certain steps online, and then, if these higher powers decide to smile upon you, you get the money you ask for. And then you have to work for it, sacrificing your time and creativity, putting their power sigils/logos on whatever you produce within the boundaries of the spell.


So this is also something I’m going to be doing for a while now. Projects that need financing:
– AltCom 2016: WORK (this time organized by CBK & Tusen Serier)
– Tusen Serier (which was just transformed from a project under the Swedish Comics Association into its own organization. Now we’re just waiting for our magic number that will give us access to new sorts of magic).
– CBK (luckily I’m not responsible for writing these. Mine is more a consulting role. But still, deadline approaching…)


So I just finished putting together the new issue of CBA (vol 29), which is a solo issue called What we knew, by Sarah Kläpp. With any luck, we’ll have it in time for the Helsinki festival…


And we’re in the process of making comics for CBA vol 30. Well, the others are. I’ve been done for ages. Luckily.

And some submissions have already come in for CBA vol 32. It’s always a joy to see all the nice comics people are sending to us.

And I hear that Mari Ahokoivu is preparing the material for he solo issue (vol 31).

All of these releases are supposed to result in exhibitions sooner or later.

We just need to sort out the mess that the former editorial crew left behind. A mess that may pose a big problem for us new people. Long story. We’ll sort it out somehow.

Edit: And yes, on top of all this, I’m also going to put togehter another book for CBK: Creation of a god / Vallonden som byggde gud. Comics adaptation by Henrik Möller & Lars Krantz of a Richard Stanley (who made films like Hardware and Dust Devil) short story. My self preservation skills are at 0. I just can’t help myself…


Not much happening here for the moment, which is probably saving my life right now, because:

Tusen Serier:

August 4-7: Nerd at Pride


We’ll be making a jam comic on the walls during this event. An interactive exhibition with some kind of LGBT/Sci Fi theme that we will figure out as we go along.

August 14: Tusen Stafettserier


Tusen Stafettserier, our jam comics project that we’ve been working on for the last year is now finished and the exhibition which started in Stockholm recently will now be shown in Malmö before going on to Sjöbo, Gothenburg and back to Stockholm again.

August 21: Sofie Hoff (guest exhibition)


We’re lending out the Tusen Serier place for a guest exhibition.

August 28-30: Helsinki sarjakuvafestivaali


Tusen Serier, CBK and Wormgod goes to the Helsinki comics festival! Which is always nice, especially since I haven’t been there for a while now.

September 5: Lillebrors fantastiska mardrömmar release/exhibition/performance


The official release of Lillebrors fantastiska mardrömmar!

September 12-13: Comic Con Malmö


Not sure how this will work out, but worth a try anyway. Tusen Serier & Wormgod at the first Comic Con in Malmö. They seem to base this more on the image of San Diego Comic Con that you see in popular culture rather than focusing on comics. We’ll see…

September 22-27: Novo Doba


Going to Serbia once more for the Novo Doba festival. Family reunion…

September 26: Some exhibition


I won’t be here for this one, but we’ll put some kind of exhibition together.

September 27: Amalia Alvarez at the Gothenburg book fair


Amalia Alvarez will represent Tusen Serier and talk about her new book about prostitutes. Another thing I won’t be here for…

So that’s it…

…for August and September. And after that there is still the issue of the After the ends of the world release party/mini noise festival that was supposed to have happened already, but the venue didn’t work out for different reasons (mainly construction work).

And we were going to show the 8. exhibition in Malmö, maybe in conjunction with a release event for The Troll (and of course for the 8. book). Whenever there is time.

Where is the time? Have you seen it?

Also, could you remind me of all the things I’ve forgotten in this description of what is filling my head right now, because I don’t know where they are or what they look like or what I was even talking about…

Anyway, see you around, somewhere.


Storage is a comic I made for the AltCom 2012 NO BORDERS anthology.

On page 3, you can see a deportee being strapped to a special chair that is used for transporting “difficult” persons by plane. People who, for some reason, do not want to be forcibly deported, even though the Swedish authorities have declared that it is correct, almost that it is done with the best interests for the person in mind. Because why would the Swedish authorities do something like that if it wasn’t the right thing to do?


Instructions: If you see someone being taken on the same plane as you against their will, stand up, make a fuss, etc. Get more people to do the same. The plane is not allowed to take off until everyone is seated, and the pilot has the final say. Several deportations have been stopped in this manner. This may give the person more time to appeal again and maybe even get residency. Also, they may not have to be drugged and wake up in another country where they may have no viable prospects for a decent life.

As for the comic, it was inspired by a passage from Fortets Murar, a report from various detentions centers (prisons for asylum seekers/refugees whose only crime was to try to stay within the wrong borders. In Sweden, they are called “storage”) in Europe.

Click images for bigger, more readable, versions:

storage-1 storage-2 storage-3 storage-4 storage-5


It’s been going on since the 4th, but I haven’t really had time to sit down by my computer until now, so, during July and possibly longer, I’m having an exhibition together with Kinga Dukaj (of CBK & Tusen Serier) at Le Garage L in Forcalcier, France.

After the CRACK! festival, we went there to hang out for a while, set up the exhibition and make a small book together. It’s my first screenprinted/handmade book, and it feels really good to have done it, especially at this great place that is the bookshop/print workshop/exhibition space/etc of Le Garage L.



(Both images made by Kinga)



For the exhibition, I brought mostly my Wormgod stuff but also some new prints. Some of them containing 3D images from The Troll, which I got from the printer just the day before leaving for this small European tour.

More on The Troll later, as there will be some kind of release event in Malmö, we’re just waiting to get the 3D glasses so it can be officially released…

Unused old CBA cover…

Looking through my old CBK files, I found this sketch for an old cover (from maybe 2005). It never got used or developed or even remembered, but finding it again I kind of liked it as it is, so I’m showing it here now.


In more CBK news, we just announced that we’re open to submissions for CBA vol 32, and I’m working together with Kinga Dukaj on the cover for vol 30, which won’t look anything like this one…

Viral (upcoming CBAvol30)

CBA vol 30 will be the first issue of CBA featuring the new editorial crew (and ONLY the editorial crew, for once).

So I made this story: VIRAL.

I wanted to do something special. Not sure if I managed that, but it’s a short story based on an idea I had. I drew the thing and everythin, months before deadline. Made a b/w version for Stripburger (which they chose not to publish, which is kind of normal when I send them stuff), and then I decided that I didn’t like it the way I had done it. So I made another version (and a third version that never got developed further than the drawing stage).

Here are some pages.

Version 1:

viralv1-2 viralv1-7 viralv1-4


Version 2:

EDIT: The new version was entered into a competition and cannot have been published before, so even if it was just unfinished small-size exerpts, I decided to take them down. If you missed them you’ll just have to wait for CBA vol 30, which will be out in December (mysteriously 1,5 months after vol 31).



Version 2 is really far from what I usually do, drawing style-wise, but for this story I think it serves its purpose better, and I really liked how the colors turned out…