
As you may have noticed, a lot of my life has circulated around AltCom this last time.

I would like to tell you all about it in an engaging way that really makes you understand why you should come, like all the exhibitions, parties, filmprogram, talks & workshops and the comics market and the free book that you can find all over the festival. But I simply don’t have time, so instead I’ll just send you to the festival’s website, which by now is almost completed with all the information you might need:

Hope to see you there!

Poster based on the anthology cover art by Kinga Dukaj.

The AltCom 2016 WORK anthology

The AltCom festival anthology arrived from the printer yesterday!


It’s a 100 page book with comics relating to WORK by an assortment of international artists and it will be given away for free before, during and after the festival. Some of the featured artists will also be present at the festival.

Read more about it here.

The festival takes place July 28-31 in Malmö. See you there!

Back from CRACK!

Back from CRACKLAND, putting the preparations for AltCom 2016 into high gear (is that the expression? I never learned to drive a car and my bikes usually didn’t have any gears).

Most of the posters are finished, most of the program is set, most of the tables are booked, but there is still a lot of space for additions and changes, so it’s going to be a couple of interesting weeks until it all starts…

To start the month and also to put the festival in a bigger context, here’s a little thing I wrote on the site the other day:

Feberdröm & me in the Wormgod/Tusen Serier/CBK + friends cell…

So we just came back from the CRACK! festival in Rome, which is more or less the hub/parent/sibling of the European(+) scene for underground/alternative/DIY/art comics & temporary art. The festival gathers hundreds of artists and thousands of visitors under the same roof, or actually in the tunnels under the same fort.

CRACK! is the great inspiration for AltCom and many others, even if the conditions very from country to country. For example, the squatting culture in Italy and Sweden are completely different. If you try to occupy an empty building to turn it into a social centre in Sweden, you will have to deal with a massive police assault on you almost directly. No such squat in Sweden has lasted more than a few months in recent years, and even that is extremely rare. It’s more likely that you will be back on the street within hours. Whereas Forte Prenestino (the social centre where CRACK! is held) celebrates its 30th anniversary as a squat this year.

On the other hand, Malmö is a friendly city and it’s possible to cooperate with a lot of venues (like Folkets Park, Panora, Mitt Möllan and others during the previous AltComs) without having to spend all of your budget just to find a place to have the festival’s exhibitions, comics market, etc.

On the other hand, Sweden is kind of expensive compared to other countries (though Malmö is cheap for Sweden), if not as expensive as Norway or Switzerland, so it comes with some other issues that we need to handle when organizing our event. We compensate by keeping as many parts as possible of the festival free of charge, like tables, entrance fees, festival anthology…

An important aspect of AltCom is that even if the comics fair is an important part of it, since it gives small press publishers and artists the opportunity to sell their books and the public the opportunity to buy them, we focus a lot on the social aspect.

That’s why we start the festival off with a two-day exhibition opening for several exhibitions at once, gathered in the same place. It creates a meeting ground for artists from different parts of the world, to show their stuff, to talk, to drink together and make new plans for the future, as well as meet a public that get the chance to experience something new.

The CRACK! festival is truly a seed for a future that may come, a seed that may be part of creating an atmosphere based on participation, mutual respect, creativity and boundless exchange. And that’s what we also try to be with AltCom, even if we are in Sweden and don’t have a huge squatted-since 30-years fort.

This seed is already bearing fruit. Weeds are cropping up in various places taking different forms, such as:
AFA (Autoproduzioni Fichissime Anderground) Milano (ITA)
Combat Comics Livorno (ITA)
Ratatà Macerata (ITA)
Ca.Co.FEST Bari (ITA)
BORDA Fest – Produzioni Sotterranee Lucca (ITA)
PICS Pescara Intergalactic Comics Show Pescara (ITA)
F.OFF Angoulême (FRA)
Tenderete Valencia (ESP)
Gutter Fest Barcelona (ESP)
Vendetta Marseille (FRA)
Ohoho Festival Zagreb (CRO)
ŠKVER! Art Project Mali Lošinj (CRO)
Fijuk network (Balkans/International)
and of course AltCom and probably many more…


So next week is another CRACK! festival, that orgasm of creative underground madness that comes every year, like an internationalist family reunion.

And in the midst of everything else, I’m trying to produce something new. I didn’t have as much time for this as I had hoped, but here’s something at least that I painted the other day and will make some different versions of…

For some reason it’s often about death and skulls and such. I blame society…

And then it’s going back home for the finishing run of the AltCom festival. But a lot of that is already under contol. Most of the program is set, most of the posters have been designed, most of the films are confirmed, and the anthology is now at the printer.

So it all feels good, and the extra shot of inspiration that is CRACK! won’t hurt either…

Perfect sense…

Sooner or later, all you see around you will have turned to dust. You will be dead as a doornail and then all of this will disperse.

It’s not completely unlikely that the expansion of the universe will one day have gone far enough that the smallest particles can’t interact even at the speed of light because they are too far apart. By then, the concept of “day” will be long gone. Text will be meaningless, because even if this sentence would be spread out over a bigger area than the now observable universe, no one could see it because no one would be close enough that its light could ever reach them because everything will be too far apart (and keep expanding faster than light could keep up) for light to reach anything.

So let’s spend the precious time we have being greedy, racist, homophobic etc assholes, why don’t we?

Because that makes sense…


Fem historier om prostituerande

prostituerande-1This Friday we will host the release exhibition for Amalia Alvarez‘ new book, Five stories about prostituters at Hybriden.

As with her first book, Fem papperslösa kvinnors historier, this one is based on interviews with people who are often discussed but seldom with their own voices.

They live in a part of the Swedish society that isn’t visible for everyone but that still exists, under the surface.

Hybriden (Mitt Möllan, Claesgatan 8, Malmö)
Opening June 10 16-22
Opening hours until July 20:
Mon/Wed 16-20
Sat 12-16

From 17 during the opening, Amalia will hold a presentation and read some from the book.



See more at the Tusen Serier website.

See you there!


I’m having an exhibition called Vasta-aine (Antidote) at the Comics Centre in Oulu, Finland, in August!

What I will show is two of my recent (unpublished) comics and one a bit older:
Medication (made for CBAvol35)
Fragments (made for CBAvol36)
Happiness (from Workburger and the upcoming AltCom 2016: WORK anthology)

As far as I can remember (which isn’t always reliable, I have to admit), this will be my first solo exhibition in Finland.

It will go on during all of August, and at the same place (but a different room) there will also be a simultaneous exhibition with Tommi Musturi, which is bound to be interesting.


So if you’re in Oulu in August, drop by and have a look!
I won’t be there for the opening, but I will visit Oulu a bit later in August…

Bleed for me…

Images from a new comic I made for CBA vol 35: Bleed and also for Alkom’X #10.

The story is called Medication, which goes well with my recent stories Viral and Immunology. Not sure why my titles of late have circulated around these medical themes.

Anyway, here you are. Enjoy!

medication-1xrpt medication-2xrpt


Also, this Saturday (May 14) is the release of the new issue of CBA.

CBA vol 33: REPEAT OFFENDERS by Julia Scott @ Panora (Friisgatan 19, Malmö) 17-20.




So SIS16 this weekend.

I will be with Wormgod + CBK & Tusen Serier at the same spot as 2015 and will try to bring more copies of Piracy is Liberation this time, since they sold out last time.

I will also be part of a vew panels on Saturday:

1300 – Presentation of The Hybrid & AltCom (which I should really prepare for now, but no…)

1530 – Stripburger, talking about Cool Cykel (upcoming from Tusen Serier) and, I guess, the Balkan comics scene.

I am looking forward to this even more than usual this year, I’m just a bit tired at the moment…

So let me just lean back and close my eyes and you can have a look at the fan art I made, before I have to wake back up and finish the new comic (not a new book, just a short story for some anthologies) I’ve been working on.



This doodle got lots and lots of likes on Facebook. It’s because I’ve managed to redefine my drawing style to the point where I can really reach people with my art. And appeal to the masses. Yaay!