Swedish Comic Sin 2!

Swedish Comic Sin 2 is yet another anthology (this one with erotic comics) which will be released at SPX in Stockholm, May 5-8!

My story contains cyber-sex, an empty eye socket and a double dildo, featuring present-day versions of Pirate and Information from Piracy is Liberation

Titel: Swedish Comic Sin 2
ISBN 978-91-633-8432-5
Antal sidor: 400
Språk: Engelska
Utgivningsår: 2011
Pris: 180 SEK

This hot second anthology brings you even more erotic graphic short stories by some of Sweden’s most aspiring artists!

What turns you on? A romantic movie, an intimate online conversation, a lap dance, a touch or maybe a fight with your loved one?

Or maybe the risk of this being the last chance to get to know each other before it’s too late…

Participating artists:

Ainur Elmgren
Anna Rosenkrans Birkedal
Bo Ashi
Catarina Batista
David Linde
Diana Davidsson
Elise Rosberg
Fanny M. Bystedt
Hannah Oredsson
Helena Hellman
Ida Rosenkrans Birkedal
Jesper Nordqvist
Joakim Waller
Johan Palm
Kwok-Hei Mak
Liv Lingborn
Mattias Elftorp
Maria Wigelius
Nathalie Nilsson
Olivia Erliksson
Per Sjögren
Sara Berntsson

Serier Mot Rasism!

This comics anthology against racism will be released at SPX in Stockholm, May 5-8!

My contribution is a 5-page Arg Kanin story.

Hur ser den moderna rasisten ut? Vad innebär islamofobi? Hur rättvis är Sveriges migrationspolitik? Hur ska man handskas med främlingsfientliga uttalanden i vardagen? Vad innebär det egentligen att vara svensk? Och inte minst… Är du också med i kampen?

Dessa angelägna frågor ställs, tillsammans med många fl er, i den här antologin. Serier mot rasism är ett kollektivt yttrande från ett trettiotal svenska serietecknare mot främlingshatets allt mer påtagliga frammarsch i vårt samhälle. Med både humor och allvar angrips temat som angår oss alla – som vi var och en kan antingen höja rösten mot eller tyst låta gro vidare.

Vinsten från försäljningen av denna bok går oavkortat till nätverket Ingen människa är illegal, som arbetar för papperslösa flyktingar.

Upcoming exhibitions…

Some upcoming exhibitions…

Kemi Art Museum (Kemi, Finland), May 13-15
Anniversary exhibition to celebrate the past 30 years of comics festivals in Kemi.

Amalthea Bokkafé (Malmö, Sweden), May xx-xx
Wormgod: konSEKVENS excerpt. In conjunction with the release of Piracy is Liberation 009: Deicide, we’ll show some prints from the konSEKVENS exhibition suite, never before shown in Sweden…

International Alternative Press Festival (London), May 27-June 13
Wormgod art as part of the Swedish exhibition at the festival.

CRACK! (Rome), June 16-19
Wormgod: 3D REVOLUTION – no idea at this point what this will turn out to be. Probably some prints in combination with wall painting…

Upcoming publications…

Working on some new stuff, or have worked the last two months, or will work on during the near future…

In Swedish Comic Sin 2: Wet Spot. 16 pages of erotica.

In Serier Mot Rasism: Arg Kanin om Asylpolitik och rasistiska alibin. Same as in Asylkalendern 2011, but with two new pages added about incarceration and deportations.

In Dystopia [upcoming issue]: My New Roommate. Script by me, art by Emre Özdamarlar. Satire about world politics and neighborhood policing.

In Dystopia [upcoming issue]: konSEKVENS. By Wormgod. Comics version of the konSEKVENS exhibitions.

Piracy is Liberation 009: Deicide. Next book in the series. More postapocalypse than cyberpunk this time around. Will contain the finalist story Spyware from the Morning International Comics Competition + a remake of an older story that was always intended to be a part of the Piracy is Liberation backstory. The title of the book is a clue.

All of the above, if things go as planned, will be out in time for SPX in Stockholm (see link in previous post).

And I’m also planning to do something for the Arctic Comics Festival in Kemi, Finland. We’ll see how that goes. If nothing else, I guess it’ll go into a future issue of Dystopia

And there’s a secret future project that I’ll talk about when I know more. Maybe two new projects.

World tour 2011

Mattias Elftorp – Wormgod – Piracy is Liberation

World tour 2011

Events and stuff I will go to this year (everything isn’t certain yet, but I needed to keep track of the dates somehow)…

April 9-10, New York City MoCCA

May 5-8, Stockholm SPX

May 13-15, KemiThe Arctic Comics Festival

May 27-29, London International Alternative Press Festival

(May 27-June 13, London – Wormgod exhibition)

June 9-12, Beograd Novo Doba

June 16-19, Roma CRACK!

June 24-25, Munkedal Punk Illegal

Summer/fall 2011:

Malmöfestivalen, Bok- och Biblioteksmässan i Göteborg, Helsinki Comics Festival, I Seriernas Värld… But more on that later.

Right now…

Right now in my life: Preparations to profoundly change the Swedish comics scene (you’ll soon hear about Tusen serier), working on one graphic novel about Swedish migration policies that seems to have a great effect on people, working on my 9th Piracy is Liberation book (Deicide), which is going to be more postapocalypse than cyberpunk, and still be as relevant to current politics. I’m also involved with the upcoming antiracist anthology Serier Mot Rasism and the erotic comics anthology Swedish Comics Sin 2. Planning at least two upcoming Wormgod exhibitions within the nex half year or so. And let’s throw in a rapidly growing noise festival sometime during the spring/summer as well. Mind you, this is only what’s going on in the nearest 6 months or so.

In the meantime, the World Revolution seems to be spreading throughout the north of Africa since people all over the world has had enough. And if they are hundreds of thousands of people in the streets each day, the least we could do at home is assemble a fraction of that to stop the mass deportations of asylum seekers that our government is doing every third week.

Suddenly, watching lots of TV series these past 1,5 months doesn’t seem like such a waste of time anymore, more like mental preparation and well needed rest. Also, I’ve found a couple of really great new friends recently too, which is very nice.

Did I mention that this is the first time an a very long time that I’ve got 8h sleep withoug having to first fill myself with lots of whisky and beer?

And yes, there are a few other things as well: My living arrangements will change within a week, I’m still going to be unemployed next month(?) and I’m planning to go on a small tour in June (Novo Doba-CRACK!-Punk Illegal)… Details.

More on all of this later…

Edit: Oh, yeah, I forgot! I’m also planning to have a new batch of Dystopias ready for SPX in May, so I have to start talking to some people soon about getting material from them. Here’s a list of names to possibly look forward to: Emre Özdamarlar, Oskar Aspman, Radovan Popovic, Aleksandar Opacic, Vassilis Gogtzilas, Fanny M Bystedt, Amanda Casanellas, Feberdröm

Everything for the Art…

I was looking through some old files and found some stuff I’d forgotten about. Like this one that I made maybe seven or so years ago. Sorry about the language…

Models were Oskar and Matilda.

Click the pages to see bigger format…

Looking at it now, it’s a bit of a different approach than I usually have now. Still, I think it was quite nice. I like the drawings…

On the other hand, it’s like a sketch for the concept of Metamagic that I’ve been developing in Piracy is Liberation.


And after that last post I went to Lisbon for the Feira Laica festival. First time I’ve been there and I had a great time. Put up a Wormgod: WALL exhibition and sold some books. Also met some nice people, old and new friends doing very interesting stuff.

Apart from that, December has been a bit of downtime. Or rather, preparations.

I wrote a script for an upcoming Dystopia story: Room-mate (more on that later) and I’ve started proper planning for Piracy is Liberation book 009: Deicide (more on that, also later). There’s also been some planning for the new major project after AltCom 2010 (definitely more on that later, but right now it’s too early to tell). All I can say now is that part of it will entail finishing the Me & my Daddy & Zlatan book…

The most recent thing I did was make a sketch/script of the erotic comic story I have never… which will be in the second Swedish Comic Sin anthology. Very interesting to work with and I look forward to finding a suitable drawing style for it, trying to use the old nude drawing lessons for inspiration.

Also made some illustrations for Helsingborgs Dagblad. The one below was published on Christmas eve, another one will turn up during the new year’s weekend.

As usual, I’m sure there’s more but I needed to at least mention these things (to myself if no one else), because it feels like I haven’t got anything done. It’s usually like that between projects. Part of the process is just preparing mentally for what’s coming. May seem and even look like I’m doing nothing, but when I finally move I’ll move fast.

In January, I’ll wrap up the remaineing paperwork from the AltCom 2010 festival, while in my mind I’m alrady starting to plan for AltCom 2012

So, if I don’t see you before that, have a good 2011. In the meantime, check out the newly released Bild & Bubbla 185, containing a long interview with me and the 6-page comic Den interdimensionella revolutionen and lots of other stuff.

And get Asylkalendern 2011 for a short but content-filled Arg Kanin-comic.