Thanks to a collaboration with C’est Bon Kultur, we can now confirm that there will be an anthology for this year’s AltCom comics festival!
The theme is POSTAPOCALYPSE and we would like you to give us your stories interpreting that theme.

WHAT we want:
Pages: 1-5, black/white
Language: English
Format: 140x182mm (a little bit smaller than A5)
Files: High-resolution .TIFF, preferably
If you are unsure what we mean by “high-resolution”, please ask.
WHEN we want it:
Deadline: September 1
Send submissions to:
WHO we are:
The AltCom 2014 anthology will be edited by Mattias Elftorp + the C’est Bon Kultur crew.
As usual, no one gets paid for participating. But on the other hand, no one pays for it either since we’ll be giving the book away for free during and after the festival!
And yes, we do accept comics that have already been published elsewhere, as long as we like them and they fit into the theme.
There is something liberating about imagining what could come after all we see around us has been torn to pieces. Will it be chaos or order? Tyranny or anarchy? When we are free to move in any direction, where will we go? Do we rebuild or take the opportunity to reboot? What’s your vision of the future after the end?
The word “apokalypsis” means “revelation of secrets”, not necessarily but commonly understood as referring to a prophetic vision of the end of the world. So the postapocalypse can be what comes after the vision of the end, or after the end itself, or after any revelation. Maybe it’s not the end of the world, but a more personal apocalypse? Maybe the prophecy is about the end of time itself? Or about a change in how we perceive reality?
The first AltCom event took place in 2004 and was organized by C’est Bon Kultur. Since 2010 it’s a bi-annual comics festival for alternative/underground/small press comics, run by Mattias Elftorp for the Swedish Comics Association (Seriefrämjandet).
In 2014 it will take place in Malmö, November 5-9 (the exact dates may change), with exhibitions, international guests and a comics fair.
More detailed information will be found at
Please help spread and invite all your comics creating friends to the Facebook event