Fan Art: Pirate by Max Sjöholm

Max Sjöholm made this:

Very nice portrait. Check out more of Max’s stuff at Deviant Art… 

I believe he used an old photo of me as model for this. It’s from an old C’est Bon meeting, where we did something important while playing boule in the park. Something like deciding on the name C’est Bon, or planning our first website. I don’t remember…

Fan Art: Purple and Information at the arcade by rama.

rama made this for me:

rama is currently working at her Oblivion High series of books, which is a mix of high school drama and classic Finnish mythology. Also losely(?) connected to OH is Vesi Oli Mustaa.

Sadly, so far these books are only available in Finnish, so I haven’t been able to read them. Yet.

This is a bit older than the other fan art I’ve been showing lately. I don’t remember exactly how old, but in time to inspire one of the chapters of Piracy is Liberation 007: Spiders pt 1 (and I wrote that specific chapter ages ago). It was published in book 007.

Old sketches… 2

Some more of the old sketches I found in a pile of papers in a box next to a pile of paper.

This one is from a story I was planning to do as a comic, but never finished. I found lots of drawings and thumbnail sketches, but no script. It looks interesting. I wonder what it was supposed to be about?

Old sketches… 1

Even though I don’t think I do, I obviously draw just fpr fun sometimes. I just looked through some old sketches and drawings and half finished (or half begun) comics. Found some stuff that felt it could be worthwhile to put them up on my site.

Here’s one…

I don’t know when I did it, but it’s a long time ago.

And yes, I did play Werewolf: The Apocalypse now and then, back in the days…

Fan art: Information leading the masses by Oskar Aspman

Oskar Aspman made this for me:

Oskar was one of the founders of C’est Bon Kultur, back in the day. He’s been quiet for a while now, but has started producing art again, which is really nice. Especially since he does things like this one.

It also looks like there’s a Dystopia coming from him in the near future. Something to look forward to…