Review of Piracy005

Still listening to Sanctification, trying to conjure money by writing mundane spells, casting them via the internet.

And while I’m doing that, stumbling upon a review of Piracy is Liberation 005: Free Section in Tidningen Kulturen by Gustaf Andersson.

Att det finns bra och dåliga punklåtar råder det inga tvivel om. De dåliga brukar oftast kännas igen på att de snarare vill vara punklåtar än att de är, att klichéerna stapplas på varandra. De bra däremot känns igen på att de bara är punklåtar, helt skoningslöst. På samma sätt är det med Mattias Elftorps tidskriftsprojekt Piracy is liberation. Den bara är punk. Dystopin är oursäktande. (more…)

Allright, back to work…

Oh, by the way, I updated my website today. Added some Wormgod info and one or more (I can’t keep such things as numbers or memories in my head right now) new images. Go check it out!

Piracy005 release party!

From the CONCRETE THREAT gig at the FREE SECTION release party last Friday:


There’s also a little clip of FEBERDRÖM & NYRODHA, some photos and stuff at the Piracy is Liberation site. If anyone has a video clip of EN HALVKOKT I FOLIE, please let me know and I’ll put it up on the site as well.

Also, the day after that, I went to a Skånes Konstförening/Singsang event to see FRIA KONSTELLATIONEN, SUDDEN INFANT and ÄTTESTUPA. All quite nice, if not as harsh as the Friday thing. It’s interesting. After two nights of this, I feel almost as if I’m in love, but in a music style. It’s Sunday night and I’m still floating on some kind of high. Maybe it helps too that I’m listening to the Treriksröset – Venal tape that I bought yesterday…

Within the nearest weeks I’ll be trying not to do very much other than draw the remaining 40 or so pages of Violence, so I can have it printed and have an excuse for another release party.

Best of the Year 2008…

Johanna M Beyer – Music of the Spheres.

Forbidden Planet asked me to write something about what I thought about the comics year of 2008.

This is what I wrote.

Hiroyuki Onogawa – Metal Dub Soup.

Tonight is when we make the selection for C’est Bon Anthology vol. 7. We got a lot of good material to chose from, so it looks promising. The deadline for C’est Bon Anthology vol. 8 will be June 1, so if you’re a comics artist reading this, don’t hesitate to send us your stuff!

Con-Dom – Master Speaks.

And in the Gaza strip, people keep being massacred…

Deleted scenes…

Autechre – Sublimit.There’s quite a lot of material for an alternative version of the dream sequence in the beginning of book 004: Copies and Originals. That scene was meant to be much longer from the beginning, but for different reasons it didn’t turn out that way. One day I’ll get around to scanning it to show the sketches at least…

And here’s an old character sketch, from 2002(?):


Phylr – Far and Away (Circuit Redux Remix).

By the way, I am as good as finished with the script for Violence now. Will start drawing next week, if not tomorrow…


There’s an ever-growing pile of papers with notes for Piracy is Liberation that I have to go through during the writing process for every new script. An assortment of ideas that either have been used already, are meant to go in future books or are not going to be used at all. They’re lying around on no particular order right now, so I have to go through all of it to see if there’s something I had planned that I want to use for Piracy is Liberation 006: Violence.

Some of the unused stuff is interesting. These things may make it into stories that have nothing to do with the Piracy universe. Some of them will show up on the Infotrip site as the equivalent of Deleted Scenes. I just put some stuff up there (on the pages for book 001 and 004). Filed under Story.