Winner of the ISV award!

The main weekend of the ISV (I Seriernas Värld) comics festival in Malmö, Sweden, just ended.

For the first time, at least for me, ISV felt like a real comics festival. I’m not sure why that is. Could be because of the international guests, or the overall organisation. I’m not sure. Anyway. There were lots of exhibitions and my art was part of some of them. Scroll down to an older post for more on that, because that’s not what I was going to talk about here.

This is the first page of Jag & min Pappa & Zlatan:


This was my entry in the ISV comics competition. A 10 page story about a girl arriving to sweden with her father hoping to get to meet Zlatan Ibrahimovic. This was also the entry that won the competition, which is very nice. The prize money will make it possible for me not only to pay my rent and bills but also to start working soon on Piracy is Liberation 008: Spiders pt 2.

In the future, you might see a longer graphic novel version of Jag & min Pappa & Zlatan. Hopefully both in English and in Swedish.

Edit: The Jury’s motivation

Drabbande läsning. Svensk-maskerna utgör en stark bild i denna serie om asylsökande. Serien har något särskilt att berätta utan skymten av tom övertydlighet och ett bildberättande som lyfter fram detta innehåll. Tonen i jag-rösten är träffsäker, med korta lakoniska meningar. Teckningar, sidkomposition, bildperspektiv, hur texten är satt och infogad: allt håller.

(From the ISV website)

Second prize was shared by Maria Fröhlich and Sofia Malmberg.

You, Me and Tommy Lee, about me.

Check this out: Article about me by Hannah Oredsson at the You, Me & Tommy Lee blog.

This bit about Piracy is Liberation, CBK and Wormgod. In Swedish:

Think outside the city

Vecka 43
Mattias Elftorp är helt rätt i tiden. Och han har något som inte alls beror på timing eller trend; hängivelse.
Han har gått alla tre steg (år 1, år 2 och kreativt friår) på Serieskolan i Malmö med några års mellanrum. Han startade upp C’est Bon Kultur tillsammans med Oskar Aspman, Jacob Kindstedt och Daniel Novakovic. Denna alternativa seriekulturförening kan med sina antologier numera konkurrera med klassiker som Galago. Mattias är också mottagare av en rad stipendier, bistånd som utan undantag går rakt in i hans konst igen.
Mattias kombination av konst, populärkultur och politik skapar ett unikt stilgrepp som hittills främst fått sitt uttryck i hans mastodontprojekt cyberpunkserien Piracy is Liberation. Den 7:e delen kom ut nyligen och hans mål är 20 stycken. Med tanke på hans ovan nämnda engagemang tvivlar jag inte en sekund på att han kommer att nå dit. Det som framförallt övertygar mig om att Piracy is Liberation är en serie att hålla ögonen på är att den inte liknar något som jag vanligtvis gillar i bildberättarväg. Men jag kan inte lägga ner den när jag börjat läsa och ser fram emot att läsa varenda del. Den är mörk och dystopisk, queer och radikal. Det politiska perspektivet är konstant närvarande utan att väga tyngre än intrigen. Som läsare sugs man in en liten bit till för varje sida som vänds.
Mattias håller sig konstant på fronten. Han är inte rädd för nya grepp. Han lämnade nyss C’est Bon Kultur för konstprojektet Wormgod som han driver tillsammans med Susanne Johansson. Wormgod har redan hunnit med en handfull utställningar och utgivningen av 007 Spiders ur Piracy-serien. Ni kan vänta er att se Wormgod poppa upp lite varstans inom kort, och var inte rädda för att leta i ett mörkt skrymsle nära er… Det är därifrån bilderna, musiken och berättelserna kommer. Alla potentiella portaler till en dystopisk och otrolig framtid eller parallell värld.


Piracy is Liberation:




Takes one to make one…

My third and final image for the C’est Bon Panorama II: Frankenstein exhibition is done. Here’s a sample:


It’s about saying “Fuck you” and finally moving out from your parents. Trying to stand on your own two legs, living your own life.

Or maybe it’s about being thrown out into the storm by your own father because he was too chickenshit to take responsibility for his creation.

Well. At least it hasn’t started raining. Yet.

The exhibition opens at Biograf Spegeln (Malmö), October 30, between 18-21.


At the same time, I’m also participating in two or three other exhibitions. It’s all part of the big I Seriernas Värld event that will be taking place in Malmö from the end of October until the end of November.

The biggest one is Seriemaskerad, which will be held in Malmö Muséer (Teknikens och Sjöfartens hus), Oct 26-Nov 22. Opening October 30, 14-16 (it’s going to be a busy day)…

I’ve made two masks for this exhibition. This is one of them (photo taken with my crappy cellphone camera):


There’s also going to be an exhibition of the entries to the Seriemaskerad comics competition, which I participated in, so I’ll have some work in that one too, at Form/Design Center, Oct 30-Nov 1. The winner will be announced October 30, at 19 if I remember correctly.

October 30 will finish off with some kind of party which will also be at Form/Design Center, where I’ll take part in a comics battle. A team from Malmö will meet a team from Stockholm.

I think I might also be exhibited in the Seriernas Värld exhibition with some Piracy is Liberation originals, since that exhibition will be shown Oct 30-Nov 1, also at Form/Design Center. At least they’ve been showing my stuff when the exhibition was shown in Örebro, but I don’t know what material will be shown here…

There’s also (this never ends) the comics marketplace which will be at Form/Design Center, Oct 30-Nov 1. I don’t know how I’ll manage to do everything at once, but I’ll try to make sure that Piracy is Liberation 001-007 will be available there.

November 1, at Biograf Spegeln in conjunction with the Panorama II exhibition, there will be a special showing of a bunch of Frankenstein movies.

And there is the party, October 31, at Debaser. Seriemaskerad: Come dressed up as a comic book character. Why not chose one from Piracy is Liberation? If you do, find me and I’ll give you a free copy of one of the books.

Love hearts…

I just stumbled upon this old picture (well, kind of old):


It was originally made as fan art for Kim W Andersson‘s Love Hurts, but I ended up giving him another piece. Now that I found this one I don’t think it’s that bad actually, so I thought I’d post it here.

Speaking of fan art… I’m featured in Åsa Ekström‘s Sayonara September (very nice, you should buy it), which was recently released. One full-page illustration of some of her characters:



In the news today they were talking about new research results that said that humanity (at least us in the rich parts) are living above our natural resources and because of that we’re basically fucked. And they presented this as news.

I could have told them that when I was seven. They could have come to me 23 years ago and asked. Then maybe we wouldn’t have been as fucked.

But seriously, how can this be presented as news? I’m sure they must have mentioned it on TV in the 80s. Of course, that’s beyond the limit of how far ago people(?) remember things. But they said it again just a couple of years ago.

It is not news. We are fucked. And not in any good way. Stupid TV news.

In other news, there are some films coming out soon. Michael Moore is using the C-word, pointing out what the big problem is: Capitalism.

And there’s another film called The End of Poverty that says that the poor parts of the world are paying for the rich parts of the world. Because we are living above our rexources. Man, I could have told them that too when I was seven.

These two films are connected, to each other and to the first item I mentioned, in case that wasn’t already clear. I’m pretty sure I made that connection too when I was seven. It’s really not that hard to get.

And it kind of made me think that we deserve whatever we get in terms of being fucked. When I was seven.

Did the old Indians see this? Is that why they didn’t bother to count longer than to 2012? Because they fugured we’d get ourselves fucked right around now?

Oh, and maybe I should also mention that I’ll be at the Gothenburg Bookfair this week (Thursday to Sunday) and that my new book (and the old ones of course) will be there as well. Booth number

A02:39. Come check it out.

Piracy is Liberation 008: Spiders pt 1 -cover by Susanne Johansson
Piracy is Liberation 008: Spiders pt 1 -cover by Susanne Johansson