World Tour 2010…

How come everytime you decide to take a night off, it’s to survive rather than relax? At least in this line of work (precarious illustrator, pro-bono graphic designer, cyberpunk comics artist)…

Anyway. This is what’s going on this year, past and future, as far as I can see right now. I may skip some of it to take a night off, and I may end up in places I haven’t yet thought of.

February 27 – Con-Dom/Pestdemon / Metal Pip! (featuring Susanne Johansson as DJ Wormgod), Malmö
March 25 – C’est Bon Black Box 4 – Wormgod: Spiders (featuring Vampirebarbie & Mari Jansson), Malmö
April 23-25 – Small Press eXpo, Stockholm
May 15-16 – Kemi comics festival, Kemi
May 22-23 –, Copenhagen
June 12-13 – Punk Illegal, Munkedal
June 17-20 – Crack! conics festival, Rome
July 23-24 – Möllevångsfestivalen, Malmö
August ?? – Malmöfestivalen, Malmö
September 10-12 – Wormgod: konSEKVENS @ Helsinki Comics Festival
September ?? – Bok- och Biblioteksmässan, Göteborg
October ?? – Anarchist Book Fair, London
October 30-31 – Wormgod: konSEKVENS @ Örebro [comics &] book fair
November 5 – Wormgod: ZOMBIES @ AltCom 2010, Malmö
November 5-7 – AltCom 2010 first weekend: animated films, Malmö
November 12-14 – AltCom 2010 main weekend: SEX & WAR comics festival, Malmö

And of course, yesterday was Sunday, which meant another illustration for Helsingborgs Dagblad‘s publishing of Lena Sundström’s Världens Lyckligaste Folk:


Why of course, everyone is welcome in Sweden! Where did you say you’re coming from?

Eritrea? Oh no. You can come back when you’re from Holland…

CBAvol11 illustration

Illustration for the upcoming C’est Bon Anthology vol. 11 (C’est Bon Kultur):

I thought the theme for this issue was quite interesting. All participating artists are, or have been, part of the editorial crew, and all the comics included are remakes of comics published in past issues av CBA and/or other publications from CBK.

I chose to do my own version of an image by Daniel Novakovic from the old Publikation(34)C’est Bon.

I’m looking forward to seeing Allan Haverholm‘s variation on one of my old comics…

Piracy is Liberation – webcomic coming soon!

I’m starting to run out of copies of the first Piracy is Liberation book, so I decided to share the entire series as a webcomic.

The webcomic will be updated once a day. As an extra bonus, I’ll occasionally be
running a commentary track along with the images. I also might do some pages
now and then in color…

It all begins May 15 2010 at!