My latest published comics work is a 2 page story in Alkom ‘ X 11 HellHeaven

About the book:
17 x 25 cm, 7 hand stitched notebooks
102 pages, 1 lino, 1 stamp board
Lino cover lost plate 2 passages
Printing 150 screen prints on 4 different papers
price: 19 euro
artists: David Paleo, Kapreles, Радован Поповић, Crippa Almqvist, Zeke Clough, Zven Balslev, Muriel Bellini, Jeff Gaither, Dan Michiu, El Rughi, Mattias Elftorp, Denis GRRR Art, Scarlatin Taipan , Audrey Faury, Jean-Jacques Tachdjian, Paul Boswell, Alkbazz Garagel, Tommi Musturi, Alain Marciano, Herve Andre, Gabriel Delmas, Gene Mutation, Marcel Ruijters, Craig Earp, Xenoid, Reijo Kärkkäinen, Olaf Ladousse , Concrete Cité…
The Garage L., Branquignols Publishers, 2021
They recommend that you order it directly from the editor, Alkbazz: alkbazz(at) but it’s also possible from Etsy.