A Subtle Fuck You 2 (lim ed)

A while ago I attended a one day Masterclass at the Malmö University. The object was to create an artist book to be included in an upcoming exhibition at Grafiska Muséet in Helsingborg (though the actual exhibition looks like it’ll be relocated to Gothenburg). It all sounds more fancy than it actually is, I guess. But it was fun!

I chose to make a second volume of A Subtle Fuck You, my series of short story collections (the first one cam back in 2011). It includes three stories; Medication, Fragments and Immunology as well as e previously unpublished image that I call An end with teeth. So what I did during this day was a cover in linocut that I sewed together with a preprinted inlay. It’s a limited edition of 10 copies, so I’m not sure what I will do when I run out of those. Maybe an unlimited edition printed in offset, maybe a second edition of handmades. We’ll see.

I’m usually not a big fan of doing limited editions of my works, but when it’s handmade it kind of comes witrh the territory. Also now with the upcoming FANZINEVERKSTADEN (Zine Workshop), there may be more of this kind of thing because it’s really fun to do and we’ll have all the equipment and it’s my actual job (which still feels really weird to say) to organize the whole thing, together with Kinga Dukaj. We’ve been keeping kind of quiet about it, but now we’re nearing the actual unveiling, so look for more news about it pretty soon…

A Subtle Fuck You 2 (lim ed) is Wormgod book 029.

You can buy it here.

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