There’s an article about me in Sydsvenskan today (and if you look closely at the photo, you can see what’s on my T-shirt). I thought I’d celebrate that (and my upcoming birthday) by posting some new pages from my upcoming Piracy is Liberation book 005: Free Section… These aren’t finished yet, but I like to pretend that I’m working as hard as I should, so view them as work in progress.

There’s also something that wasn’t mentioned in the article, which is my Angry Animals comic. Sooner or later, I will have enough of these to fill a book, but for now they can be read in some different places. Like older issues of Mana and my website

Violence exhibition pt 4.

There are some who would claim that piracy is theft. Of course, the rest of us know this to be false.

Let me explain. One of the main characteristics of the phenomenon of theft if that the former owner is deprived of the stolen object. Copying the object is something entirely else. Anyhow…

Someone seems to have stolen one of the images from the Violence exhibition (this one):

Obviously the most popular of the exhibition, and I am flattered that someone would go to the trouble of stealing it. Though I have some problems with it.

1. Everyone won’t be able to see the entire exhibition.

2. I paid money for printing the images. If I don’t get paid through selling the images, I won’t get that money back and it was taken from the budget for the next Piracy is Liberation graphic novel…

3. I know I had a third reason, but I forgot…

Here’s an idea: Instead of stealing the exhibition (assuming you can’t afford to buy anything but still want a Piracy image on your wall), download one of the first two books and print a page to put on your wall. It’s free and hurts no one!

Piracys is Liberation 001: Information Wants to be Free @ TPB

Piracys is Liberation 002: Infotrip @ TPB

New end date for Violence at Panora: October 15!

No Bokmässa this year…

No bookfair in Göteborg this year for me, though my books will be sold there. Look for them here:

Title / publisher / booth#
Piracy is Liberation 001-004 / C’est Bon Kultur / Seriestaden A01:49
C’est Bon Anthology 2-5, vol. 1-5 / C’est Bon Kultur / Seriestaden A01:49
Trollet / Komika Förlag / Komika Förlag A01:28
Lantis: Den Siste Lantisen, Monster / Seriefrämjandet / Seriestaden A01:49

This is the first time this century that I haven’t been to the bookfair. Feels a bit weird, but also quite nice. Instead, I’ll try to make the Anarchist Bookfair in London, October 18.

Violence exhibition pt 2.

Vibracathedral Orchestra – Weaving the Magic

The Violence exhibition is up and running. So is the European Social Forum. And at the same time as Violence opened, fittingly enough, something else took place. The local cops stages a wild protest against their own union. I wonder if they had a permit for their demonstration. I wonder who will beat them up if their thing goes out of hand?

Anyway. Here’s a photo of a part of the exhibition:

The prints are 110x86cm. They can be bought for 500 SEK/copy. Contact me ( mattias@elftorp.com ) to order…

Well. That’s it. I’m going to bed.

Loop Orchestra – Cirka 1901

Violence exhibition!

This is an exhibition of the story called Violence (which will be published in Piracy is Liberation 006: Violence). It is also a comment on the political climate in Malmö.

Police are sent in by social democrats against constitutionally protected actions taken by the union. They force children up against the wall, accusing them of crimes they couldn’t possibly have committed, simply because they look like immigrants.

Time and again, the police prove that they aren’t here to protect us but to control, to hold anyone back who dares to stray outside of the norms of what it’s supposed to mean to be Swedish.

The exhibition is dedicated to Malmö 26, the 26 who were indicted for being on the picket line against a sushi restaurant at Lilla Torg in Malmö.

Organizers: C’est Bon Kultur & Folkets Bio Malmö

Sweden disgusts me.

We (the nation commonly known as Sweden) just sent another immigrant away. A guy who’s lived here for 7 years. A guy who has a wife here and who feared for his life if he was to be sent back. A guy who was already sent back once but had to return to Sweden since they didn’t let hom into Iraq if he was forced to go there against his own will.

A guy who hasn’t been heard from since he arrived in Iraq five days ago.

This is nothing new, but this time there was media coverage. Media coverage that reports that none of the authorities involved in the affair is willing to take responsibility for his disappearence. Not the police, who took him out of the country. Not the department of foreign affairs (or whatever it’s called in english) since he isn’t a Swedish citizen. And not the Immigrations authorities who decided not to let him stay here. Fucking bastards.

What I would like is for policies to actually change according to reality. If someone who claimed to be in mortal danger is sent back and disappears right after he/she sets foot in their country of origin, then don’t fucking send people there anymore.

What I also would like is for people here to physically prevent the police from taking people who are to be deported against their will to the airport. It has been done and it has worked and it should be done more often. Until policies have changed.

If someone comes to your door who is running for their life, you let them in and give them something to eat. Simple regular humanity, if there is such a thing…