Unused illustration

This is from a book project I was potentially going to be involved with. That never happened in the end because they went with an artist who could give them a better price (that happens sometimes, no big deal), so since I don’t like wasting my efforts, I thought I’d show it here instead.

I was aiming for a more androgynous look, but since I made this mainly as a sample, I never corrected it. In any case I was pretty happy with how it turned out. So here you go:

Viral (upcoming CBAvol30)

CBA vol 30 will be the first issue of CBA featuring the new editorial crew (and ONLY the editorial crew, for once).

So I made this story: VIRAL.

I wanted to do something special. Not sure if I managed that, but it’s a short story based on an idea I had. I drew the thing and everythin, months before deadline. Made a b/w version for Stripburger (which they chose not to publish, which is kind of normal when I send them stuff), and then I decided that I didn’t like it the way I had done it. So I made another version (and a third version that never got developed further than the drawing stage).

Here are some pages.

Version 1:

viralv1-2 viralv1-7 viralv1-4


Version 2:

EDIT: The new version was entered into a competition and cannot have been published before, so even if it was just unfinished small-size exerpts, I decided to take them down. If you missed them you’ll just have to wait for CBA vol 30, which will be out in December (mysteriously 1,5 months after vol 31).



Version 2 is really far from what I usually do, drawing style-wise, but for this story I think it serves its purpose better, and I really liked how the colors turned out…


More sketches. There will be some more serious stuff soon, I promise!

The first one was inspired by seeing Danijel Zezelj handle a roller.


I once saw the original Alien costume from the first movie at a HR Giger retrospective exhibition. In a dark room, next to his furniture, it sat perched on some stool or something. I expected it to start moving at any time, but it never did, resulting in that special feeling of disappointment and relief at the same time. sketch10alien

I have nothing to say about these last few drawings:


sketch03bjorne…except I call this one “the knifist”:  sketch01knifist

Sketches: Skulls & girls…

A while ago I downloaded an app called Draw n Sketch. I wanted something that would allow me to draw stuff without having to leave my bed in the morning. It’s pretty fun to play around with, even if it’s limited when it comes to work-related stuff. Which didn’t stop me from making a few comics on it. Anyway, here are some loose sketches:

sketch14grl sketch12skull02 sketch09grl sketch06skull01 sketch13skull03sketch02grl


Thing is that I usually don’t do sketches, and I hardly ever draw stuff when it’s not meant for something specific. So this got me started doing some non-workrelated stuff. Which was fun, I guess.

I’ll show you some more of this stuff later. Probably…



This may be the wEirdest comic I’ve made lately. Refused from the upcoming RADIO issue of Stripburger, and I will probably forget all about it tomorrow, so you’ll have to read it here instead.

radio01 radio0203 radio0405 radio0607
