I made a new book!
Originally made for CBA vol 64: THE BOX (which goes to print soon), but steered in a slightly different direction since it kind of amalgamated with another project that finally got off the ground this summer: a cooperation with Finnish guitar makers Ruokangas Guitars that I will talk more about later when it’s more official.
It’s called PROBABILITY DRIVE: a space operette and will be available at Seriefest this weekend, the Malmö-based zine festival this is currently organized by the Seriefest group in cooperation with Tusen Serier. After the festival, it’ll soon be made available from Wormgod at the Hybriden webshop.
The ELUSIVE UTOPIA has a crew of three:
Astrid, Sol and the Cat, each with their own secrets.
On its way to the human colony of New Haven,
they run into a problem.
Their Shrödingerian Probability Drive has stopped
working, and they have important cargo for the colony.
They may need to open the box…
It’s kind of a serious comedy multi-levelled short story in space, printed at Fanzineverkstaden.
I’ll be at Seriefest with Wormgod/Tusen Serier/CBK this weekend, so see you there!
Looking forward to see this available again at the Hybriden webshop, I missed it!
It’ll be up again soon, probably within a month, when the Swedish version is released.