There are lots of calls for submissions circulating these days. Here’s another one:
CBA vol 41: Subversive Superhero Stories
For many years now, CBK has acted to expand as well as to introduce art comics to the world. Everything from Hair to Fragments has been the focus, and for our next volume, we are focusing on one of the biggest genres in comic books, the superhero comics. We’re looking for comics with an explicit connection to the Superhero genre, that at the same time subverts the expectations and pushes the boundaries to tell a different story than the conventional stories usually told.
Deadline: JUNE 1
Main editor: Henrik Rogowski
See the original CBK blogpost for guidelines (format, files etc).

Also don’t forget to send stuff to the other anthologies as well:
CBA vol 40: Worst Case Scenario
I have a plan for a Worst case scenario story. I have half an idea for the AltCom one and I really hope I’ll be able to do a Subversive Superhero Story a well, but I may end up just writing an article for that one, depending on how some other stuff turn out and how much time there’ll be left for me to do it…