
Next weekend, October 15, the youth division of the Sweden Democrats (you may have heard about them, the “only” racist party in the Swedish parliament) will have their first demonstration in Malmö.

Sure, they have the right to express their opinions, but they’ll have to expect that the people of Malmö will voice their opinions in response and I’m sure that voice will be louder.


Since SD (the Sweden Democrats) got into parliament, the other parties have been very keen on keeping them out of the decision-making, especially when it comes to immigration and so on. The way to keep them out is apparently to adopt their politics. Don’t get me wrong, the Swedish migration policies have grown increasingly harsh since at least the 90s, but still. The process is growing faster and now they have this racist alibi in SD, a party that no matter what the others do will be the bad guys in comparison.

This coming week, just like every third week for most of this year, there will be another mass deportation of refugees to Iraq. While Swedish people are advised not to go there on vacation because it’s not safe, it’s no problem to send people back there to spend their lives (if they donät manage to go somewhere else). Iraq doesn’t want these people because they can’t take care of them, and hardly any other countries are sending people back there. But it’s ok for Sweden to do it, because we only have one small racist party and they have no influence over the migration policies, so Sweden is still non-racist enough to treat people who aren’t as white as we are and it doesn’t mean anything. Haven’t you heard? Sweden is one of the most generous and open countries in the world.

So, those of you who got worried when SD got into parliament at the last election, you can rest assured that they have no part of the decisionmaking. Same old, no need to worry.

Viewing suggestion:
Racism – a history

Action sugestion:
Aktion Mot Deportation i Åstorp

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