HD: Världens Lyckligaste Folk pt 3.

Third illustration in the Världens Lyckligaste Folk series (published in Helsingborgs Dagblad):

I can’t find the image at the site right now, but I’m sure it’s there somewhere. At least it was in the paper last Sunday…

The guy in the image is Mogens Glistrup, who started a political (kind of) party in the 1970ies in Denmark. Fremskritsspatriet, which kind of turned into Dansk Folkeparti which is active today (making a long story very short). Fremskrittspartiet was a clown party, much like Ny Demokrati which came later in in Sweden. But where Ny Demokrati failed pretty quickly, their Danish counterparts had lots of success. And their heirs, Dansk Folkeparti has a lot of space to turn their racist, sorry, islamophobic politics into practice. We have a counterpart to them too in Sweden: Sverigedemokraterna. Hopefully they will crawl back under their rook pretty soon too.

HD: Världens Lyckligaste Folk

Helsingborgs Dagblad is currently (starting today) running Lena Sundström’s book Världens Lyckligaste Folk on Sundays, with illustrations by me.

This is the first one:

The book is about Denmark’s road to racism. Kind of a preemptive strike against a similar development in Sweden (especially the southern region). 

Lena Sundström’s new foreword (only in Swedish).
Today’s first installment in HD (only in Swedish).

Fan art: Information leading the masses by Oskar Aspman

Oskar Aspman made this for me:

Oskar was one of the founders of C’est Bon Kultur, back in the day. He’s been quiet for a while now, but has started producing art again, which is really nice. Especially since he does things like this one.

It also looks like there’s a Dystopia coming from him in the near future. Something to look forward to…